Chrissy & Wendy's Stories

Read how Chrissy & Wendy came to join Quiz Worx and how YOU might be able to be part of "sharing Jesus with kids everywhere" too.

Chrissy's Story

Hi, my name is Chrissy (can you all say ‘Hi Chrissy!’?) and I’ve been working with Quiz Worx for 7 years!
I joined the Quiz Worx team in 2016 as a Christmas Volunteer after hearing Quiz Worx share their vision at the 2016 SMBC Children’s Ministry Conference. Let me tell you how that happened…

I had never thought about working in ministry. I studied to be a Dietitian and worked as one for about 4 years before I had children. Then my plan was to be a full-time stay at home mum, which I was for a number of years. However, after having my 3rd child, I started to run the Children’s Ministry at my church. I loved getting to be more involved in writing curriculum, training up leaders, singing, playing, and teaching the kids in our church about Jesus. This wasn’t exactly new to me, as I had been involved in teaching Special Religious Education (SRE) and helping out in kids’ church since I had finished high school - but getting to do it in a more formal way was definitely new!

My desire to be better equipped to serve at my church led me to attend the SMBC Children’s Ministry Conference. During one of the sessions, Quiz Worx re-told a Bible Story called ‘Molly and the Good Shepherd”. It was fun, engaging, suspenseful and highlighted the truth that Jesus loves us even though we have ignored him and gone our own way. Then MAtt and Nic shared their vision for Quiz Worx to grow and be able to share Jesus with thousands and thousands more kids. I was so encouraged by what they shared, and I felt God urging me to find out how I could help with this incredible vision. So, in the break, I introduced myself and two weeks later, I auditioned to be a Christmas Volunteer and was accepted!

I was trained as a puppeteer (for which I had NO experience) and as an ‘up front’ performer, and I had the privilege of performing many shows over that Christmas season. I was then asked to join the team as a permanent performer which was a bit of a scary idea for me as I really never imagined myself doing something like this permanently. After much prayer and consideration, however, I realised this ministry was where God wanted me to be, and where I wanted to be!

It has been such a joy to tell kids about the God who loves them and has saved them and wants to be their friend over the past 7 years. This is a message I have even been able to take to remote parts of our country, where kids have never heard about Jesus before! I’m so thankful for the ministry of Quiz Worx and that I get to be a part of it.

Wendy's Story

My name is Wendy and I am a second year intern here at Quiz Worx. 

Before coming to Quiz Worx, I was a full time physiotherapist working at a private clinic. I enjoyed my work as a physio. I’ve always been (and still am) a people person. I love chatting to different people and getting alongside someone to help them learn about their condition and reach their rehabilitation goals. 

That said, what I really enjoyed outside of work was teaching Sunday School. I love seeing kids come to know more about Jesus and how much He loves them. The more I taught Sunday School, the more I saw how valuable it is to be able to share Jesus with the next generation.

I was exposed to Quiz Worx at the SMBC kid’s ministry conference in May 2022. At the conference, Quiz Worx performed a song, memory verse and a kids talk with the use of puppetry in such a fun, creative and engaging way. It was fantastic! To this day, I still remember the big idea of that talk (God is all powerful). And so, after lots of prayer and consideration, I reached out to Quiz Worx to join the team as a Christmas volunteer. This was a fantastic experience and a great way to get a taste of what this wonderful ministry is all about. I was trained as a puppeteer and paired up with experienced staff members and sent out to share Jesus with hundreds of kids over the busy Christmas season. 

I never thought I would take up kids ministry in a formal role. But after my Christmas Volunteer experience, God, in his great providence, created space for me to pursue an Internship with Quiz Worx, alongside part-time physiotherapy. 

I’ve loved my time here at Quiz Worx. I’ve been involved with puppetry, kids’ talk writing, Holiday Kids’ Clubs, and learnt a range of performance skills. I’ve traveled to so many schools in different parts of NSW and QLD to share Jesus with thousands and thousands of kids and it’s been amazing to be part of God’s work through this ministry.

Join our team

Would you consider joining us to be part of this exciting ministry of sharing Jesus with kids everywhere? There are many ways you can do this:

  1. Become a Christmas Volunteer for the 2024 Christmas season
  2. Join us for a 1-2 year Internship starting Jan 2025
  3. Become a Permanent Performer (multiple positions available now)
  4. Join our operational/admin team.

Find out more about these opportunities here or feel free to email us at or call on 1300-PUPPETS (1300-787-738).

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